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64% of respondents aged 44 and older said employers should provide maternity leave.73% of respondents aged 18 to 24 said employers should provide paternity leave.88% of respondents aged 18 to 24 said employers should provide maternity leave.Younger workers are more likely to support maternity/paternity leave: Respondents aged 35 to 44 were the most likely to say they value PTO more than a raise (26% agree with this vs 20% overall).Gen Xers are more likely to value PTO over money: In the 54 and older age group, 70% said they would not accept a job without PTO.Only 44% of respondents aged 18 to 24 said they would do this compared to 60% overall.

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30% of respondents aged 44 and older said they want more PTO.īut younger workers are less likely to turn down a job offer without PTO:.44% of respondents aged 18 to 24 said they want more PTO.Younger workers are more likely than older workers to want more PTO: Respondents aged 44 and older get the most PTO: 34% get more than 21 days a year, and 29% said they had more than 10 days left at the end of the.Respondents aged 18 to 24 get the least PTO: 34% said they get none at all (vs just 11% of respondents aged 44 and older).Younger workers get a lot less PTO than older workers: The strongest support for family leave was among the youngest survey respondents, with 88% of respondents aged 18 to 24 saying employers should provide maternity leave and 73% saying they should provide paternity leave. Respondents aged 44 and older favored sick leave more than other age groups, but placed less emphasis on the value of maternity and paternity leave. The data also reveals some big differences in opinion between older and younger workers over which benefits are most important. Only 11% said their employer offers maternity leave while just 8% offer paternity leave. A smaller proportion (72%) said employers should provide maternity leave and just over half (58%) said employees should be offered paternity leave. The most sought after benefit after PTO is sick leave, with 85% of employees agreeing that employers should provide this - although only 21% indicated that they actually receive it. More than three-quarters (77%) said that in addition to vacation time they also get other benefits such as holidays, sick leave, or maternity leave. One in four of the respondents said they get 21 days or more. The most common annual PTO balance, according to this survey, is 11 to 15 days, but a surprising number of employees revealed they get much more than this. One in three said they do not receive enough PTO and 60% said they would turn down a job offer that didn’t include it. The vast majority of the respondents (88%) believe employers should provide paid time off (PTO) and a similar proportion (85%) say sick leave is an important benefit. We look forward to receiving your applications.The survey of 400 employees - conducted for TSheets by Pollfish in April 2017 - also looked at how important paid time off is to different generations of workers, with questions about paid holidays, personal days, sick leave, flexible working arrangements, and family leave. Please note that s uccessful applicants must complete the online ‘ ISN Interventional Nephrology eLearning Curriculum ’ before starting either level at the h ost i nstitution. Advanced courses include three months of hands-on training in a broad spectrum of procedures, notably endovascular.

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  • Foundation courses comprise two to four weeks of observational and hands-on training in a specific procedure.
  • Two training options are available – Foundation (Level 1) and Advanced (Level 2): Applicants should contact their chosen center to devise a training plan for their selected procedures before submitting their application. Successful applicants will train at ISN Interventional Nephrology Training Centers from July 2022 to February 2023. There’s still time to apply for an ISN Interventional Nephrology Scholarship, which provides in-center short courses in interventional nephrology procedures to ISN members from low income, lower-middle income, and upper-middle income countries.
  • Complement-Mediated Kidney Diseases Toolkit.
  • Hydration For Kidney Health Research Initiative.
  • The Professor Donal O’Donoghue, Global Kidney Policy Forum.
  • United Nations (UN): Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

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